01/03/17 TEMPLE OF JOY 007 – Hipushit
SARS & AR-For the Hour Of Great Humiliation / Haus Arafna-Electronic Terrorism / Chen Yi-Chensession 20.5.1979 / In Aeternam Vale-Je Ne Sais Rien / DZ Lectric & Anthon Shield–Lickin' / Haus Arafna-No Right To Live / Minimal Man-Trains / Bene Gesserit-Existentialisme / VVV-Sellin' My Monkeys / Circuit Breaker-Sand And Cement / Schaltkreis Wassermann–Sex Is Out, Ich Bin Geklont / Die Form-Sex By Force / Kein Zweiter-87000 Kastraten / Carlos Peron–A Dirty Song / Maoupa Mazzocchetti-Another Sinistra Century / Circuit Breaker-SE1 / Colin Potter-Power / Maska Genetik-Ernste Stunde / CP BW-Bored Hurt / Maoupa Mazzocchetti-Unsequenced Hours / ViLLan X & Naughty Wood-Character / Lowfish-Your Last Legs / Not Waving-Face Attack / Esplendor Geométrico-Rotor / Bakterielle Infektion-On Ice / Esplendor Geométrico-Rotor (Broken English Club Remix) / Kirlian Camera-Solaris IV A / Metropolis-Uberall Polizei, Nirgendwo Gerechtigkeit / East Wall-Demo 4 / Simona Buja–Passing Masks / Утро-Дом