Habitat is a permanent cult(r)ural settlement and collective workshop carrying participatory practices of living (and publishing) within and beyond the local scale. Since 2021, Habitat has served as a space for hosting, collaborating with, and crafting alongside artists, encouraging informal interactions that allow creative expressions to engage with, shape, and redefine the local context.
Sonic explorations, improvised productions, field recordings, and melodic distillations flow from Habitat, bringing listeners deep into the chestnut forest—perhaps along river streams, at the edges of neighboring valleys, the fireside, or even atop our “holy” mountain by the sacred antenna—right there with us.
Habitat Cà de Monti, Tredozio (FC) 47019 IT
Sonic explorations, improvised productions, field recordings, and melodic distillations flow from Habitat, bringing listeners deep into the chestnut forest—perhaps along river streams, at the edges of neighboring valleys, the fireside, or even atop our “holy” mountain by the sacred antenna—right there with us.
Habitat Cà de Monti, Tredozio (FC) 47019 IT