26/09/23 Peripherie 04 – Igor Dyachenko & KMRU
Joseph Kamaru, also known as KMRU, and Igor Dyachenko position the practice of listening, and hence the creation of sound, as a means of revitalizing the subjectivity shaped by sound structures.
Their joint mix, filled with experimental music, ambient and drone, can be described as a powerful evocation of place that coexists with an equally potent sense of dislocation.
Igor Dyachenko (00.00-31.30):
Abandoned Bees - Monuments
arovane - polymer
Continuity - Chrome haze
Conna Haraway - Finite (CONNEXCYIA Remix)
Reinartz - D2
SERWED - Glare
emer - marine
slowfoam - intimation
KORE - Forgiven
Igor Dyachenko - Sensors (unreleased)
emre girginkaya- ty
KMRU (31.30-61.40):
Jan Jelinek - The water seems changed to mist and vapor
Igor Dyachenko- timeStretch
Barraco Barner - 20200420
Pops claire rousay - stoned gesture
soundwalk collective - running on emptiness
9T Antiope - Grimace - 05 Mise En Abyme
Guillaume de Machaut – Helas! et comment
KMRU - 5locG
Endless Melancholy - Collapse
Felisha Ledesma - Room13
Roly Porter - Inflation Field
KMRU - side