22/03/18 Радио Морфей – Сомнамбула 07: Сергей Тарановский
000 David Toop - Slow Loris Versus Poison Snail
000 Grand Mal x - Rabbit
001 C - Diphtongues
002 Bookworms - Skin of My Teeth
003 Cygni - untitled #1
003 Gesellschaft Zur Emanzipation Des Samples - Nijo-Jo
004 Lutto Lento - Dark Secret World
005 Robert Ashley - The Fox
006 Terre Thaemlitz - There Was A Girl There Was A Boy
007 Saturn And The Sun - The Central, Sick And Forbidden
008 Aki Onda - Orange
009 Dimitris Petsetakis - The Prophecy
010 Félicia Atkinson - Valis
011 LCC - Ib
012 STUDIO PARADISO - Samurai Dreams
013 KUTMAH - Bury Me By The River (feat. Gonjasufi)
014 Anna Homler and Steve Moshier - Giyah
015 Nurse With Wound - The Self Sufficient Sexual Shoe
016 The (Hypothetical) Prophets - Around The World With The Prophets