23/07/24 lacuna – Daphne X - Songlines
the songs in this mix are sung by women, and their haunting stories speak a time and a place you’re bound to, and although right now you may not remember why, you will as you listen.
you’re thinking of ‘fandala', a pontic greek word for women that talk a lot, of how there’s no word like this for men and how when your grandpa called you such you stopped speaking your thoughts and started humming melodies.
also of borderlands, cliffs melting into water, moving east, against the clock, abandoning habits, implicitly imposed, hugging ghosts, reclaiming what’s yours, tasting old intervals, with new tongues, reconnecting dots, decoding traces, wearing your grandpa’s sweater, your grandma’s silence, your dad’s throat tumor, your mom’s singing loud and clear over the sink, over the voice of those who called her out of tune —