26/03/24 سراب / Sarab – Toufan 5.Hertz
Toufan 5.Hertz stands as a heartfelt tribute to the martyrs and the enduring collective dreams that persist despite the atrocities of colonialism and neocolonialism in their most insidious forms. This mix is a sonic ballad, weaving through the memories of both known and unknown heroes, embracing the dreams that nourish the souls of those who resist on this land and the martyred souls who await elsewhere.
The project originated from a spontaneous gathering in Skaville space in Tunisia. It featured improvised live music, spoken word, poetry, sound archives, visuals and a collection of Palestinian music as an homage to the spirit of resistance. This event emerged as a response to the genocide unfolding in Palestine over the past five months, which seemed unstoppable, leaving resistance as the only hope left.
المنشد علي الوشلي في افضل انشاد له
Dion Monti - Movement 03
Dion Monti & Son of Terror - excerpt live improvisation 01 (text: باسل الأعرج Bassel al-Araj)
Saint Abdullah - Zeynab
Buzzing sound of Israeli drones flying non stop 24/7
Tape recording - Marcel Khalifa
VIRUS2020 فيروس ٢٠٢٠ - Distoritual
Salat Al Janaza - FEM FM
You will not be forgotten Aaron Bushnell
Nepa Ios - كلهم في جهنم
ومضى الرجال
beirasbordas - CÃO DO INFERNO
دعاء صامت
Prophän - حقدي يلف مخاوفك
Tape recording - Lazhar Dhaoui - Gaza
Années30 - 1735
Film excerpt - “The Hour of Liberation Has Arrived” by Heiny Srour
Dion Monti & Son of Terror - Rupture - excerpt live improvisation 02 (text: Mou'in Bsissou معين بسيسو)
Maya Al Khaldi - Kan (How She Told Her Stories)
Sandy Chamoun - Nas Al Wahel ناس الوحل
Muslimgauze - I Shall Sing Until My Land Is Free
Dion Monti & Son of Terror - excerpt live improvisation 03 (text: توفيق زياد Tawfiq Zayyad )
Surat Al Omran