29/08/19 inexact 01 – mutate3k & XPOH
'inexact' is dedicated to showcase the inexplicit nature of sound, show appreciation for fluidity and necessity for new adaptation through deep listening and exploration of post-genre music and sound art.
The first episode is by mutate3k himself and features his new collaborative project XPOH.
// mutate3k
ema - 16/02
Gerry Read - Sundog
Iku & ☆7571 - CDMX
Orphique - Never Seen A Miracle
Malvern Brume - Rodland Rix
Kelman Duran - REAL LIFE
Second Woman - /
Roly Porter – Mass
Art Crime - Repulsion
Rabit - Rebirth 4
HMOT - Permanent Imbalance
S S S S - A Tunnel Of Dense Fog
Heith - Sangkakala Malaikat
Clavicvla - Invertio Trasfiguratio
Barn Owl - Against the Night
XPOH - Stasis
Evan Caminiti - Acid Shadow I
Sutekh Hexen - Vestibule
Amon Tobin - Heart of the Sun
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation - Anthropomorphic