10/08/23 sinister flower w/ Isabel del Bosco
This month's sinister flower is by Isabel del Bosco — a part of a spiritual community-based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Their music is inspired by walks in the woods, readings, and a metaphysical feeling found in ambient music.
Ariel Kalma - Almora Sunrise
Dream Dolphin - Gaia (Ethereal Fantasy)
Tropic Of Cancer - Stop Suffering
Michel Banabila - Balafon Dub
Isabel del Bosco - Cygnus (2023 Mastering)
ssaliva - twisted Stars
Lorenzo Senni - Canone Infinito
Toxe - Sister / Demon (The Story Of Leonora OST)
Stella Vandes - Ondes
Alain Goraguer - La Femme (La Planète Sauvage OST)
Omni Gardens - Nectar Grass
Sous-Fifre - Arbee
Caterina Barbieri - Math of You
Oscilation Circuit - Homme