09/04/20 GUESTS 104 – Actual Grammar
Actual Grammar is a podcast by Joe Gilmore & Paul Emery with a focus on experimental music, avant-garde electronics and musique concrète.
1 Peter Seligman: Dive Hanger (FDD, self-released)
2 Eric Frye: Comb [Suspended Particle Observations] (Comb, Sleepy Cobalt)
3 Jean-Philippe Gross: Secante (Reflex, EICH)
4 Madalyn Merkey Project: P/12 (self-released)
5 Roberto Crippa: Helix (Reverse, We Can Elude Control)
6 Robert Barry: Otherwise [excerpt] (Otherwise, Van Abbemuseum)
7 Daniel M Karlsson: Goettlieb’s numbers through Rainimpulses 3 and 7
(Hyperchaos Volume 1, Edvacm Editions)
8 SDEM: Skittern (ZNS, Seagrave)
9 NYZ: FM60p-fbk103 (NYZ/ELEH Split, Important Records)
10 Lars Gunnar-Bodin: Traces I (Electro Acoustic Music from Sweden, Phono
11 Matthias Urban: Parasitisme (The Galvanic Twitch, Dinzu Artefacts)
12 Ryan McRyhew: Bay Arrogant (Era Priviledge, Self Released)
13 Blessed Initiative: Delirium juice & taste of jewellery (excerpt) (Blessed
Initiative, Subtext)
14.Gael Moissonier: L’Association (Lumiphores, Zerojardins)
15.Keith Fullerton Whitman: Redactions Part 5 (Contemporary Drummer
[Redactions], Self Released)
16.Ad Cue: Temporary Title 003 (Temporary Titles In Fixed Media, Gin &
17 Glia: COH (GLIA, Cyland)
18 Guiseppe Ielasi: 13 (15 Tapes, Senufo Editions)
19 Coum Transmissions: It’s Easy with Keysey (The Sound of Porridge
Bubbling, Dais Records)
Actual Grammar