14/12/21 GUESTS 151 – Kinked: Mai Evocato
Kinked is the screw-wave project of Lapo Sorride aka Dori Sorride, artist and founder of Misto Mame Collective and the New Weird Italia. Lapo is running the studio Asile185 and co-managing Povera, both main spots for the underground weirdo art/music scene that walks through the occult city of Turin. This mix contains unreleased and early released stuff plus edgy sounds from personal archives mixed on known tracks from friends and leftfield composers.
Mondo Perduto - mp 01-04
Kinked - excerpt from 'once i asked my parents “what’s next?”'
Kinked ft. Das Amore - what if (unreleased)
Kinked - excerpt from ‘unreleased/screwed’
Luca Garino - natural & digital soundscapes (excerpt from Non Frequenze Festival 2020) [-12st]
Tau Contrib - ev0
Kinked - excerpt from ‘unreleased/screwed’
Kinked - unreleased
sounds from the 185archive mixed with James King - S mix
FRNKBRT - archetypilgrim
Pun Collins - esc (part II) [-10st]
Rainbow Island - paywall dub [-24st]
Tigros-s-c - free field post-goodbuyy
Mondo Perduto - mp 02-03 mixed with vocals samples from Kinked ft. Das Amore - My Mind Isn’t Your Business (unreleased) and Cristian Carosi - excerpt from ‘Giunti’
Ahnnu - Y2525
TIBSLC - Beachlife
sounds from the 185archive
Dori Sorride - Treno (vocals excerpts on improvised resonance, unreleased)
Kinked - aria unreleased
Kinked - variazione su piano dialettico (unreleased)